PERSI is NOT automatically notified of a member’s death. Please call the PERSI Answer Center at 1-800-451-8228 or (208) 334-3365.
Once PERSI is notified of a member’s death, PERSI will review and finalize the member’s account. Correspondence addressed to the surviving spouse, estate representative, and/or to the estate of the member will inform of the process moving forward, what further information PERSI may need, and whether benefits are owed. Additionally, if necessary, that correspondence will give a status of benefit overpayments, which can arise due to the timing of the death in relation to the notification. Benefit overpayments must be returned to PERSI.
More Information:
PERSI Choice 401(k) Plan
Empower, the record keeper, is responsible for death benefit claims for the PERSI Choice 401(k) Plan. Empower’s Beneficiary Support Service Team is ready to assist with those Choice Plan claims. The team can be reached at 866-442-3888.