Official Government Website


The pages and documents listed below provide information of interest to PERSI employers. If you are an employer and have questions that are not covered in these pages, please contact PERSI.

Transmittal Reporting

Choice 401(k) Plan – transition to Empower

Empower File Layout for Choice 401(k) Plan – please email Jordan Mura at Empower to request a copy of the file specifications. He’s at

Empower Transition Guide for Choice 401(k) Plan

Arrivos Training

Arrivos Employer Update — Effective September, 2016

Arrivos Specs and Correspondence

04/28/2023 – Arrivos File Specification – for employers that generate a transmittal file for PERSI

04/04/2013 – PERSI’s Certification Requirements for Arrivos Formatted Transmittals

Transmittal Payments

Easy Pay – PERSI’s electronic payment system.

Employer Tour Videos

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